Matej Lorko – researcher, lecturer, consultant

Areas of expertise: behavioral economics, economic experiments, behavioral interventions, individual decision-making, strategic interactions and game theory, market design, incentives and nudge, project management, change management

Please contact me at if interested in

  • lectures, workshops or managerial training in decision-making and behavioral project management
  • collaboration on experimental research in economics
  • design and testing of behavioral interventions in business and public policy


2016 – 2020 Ph.D. degree from Macquarie Graduate School of Management (MGSM), Sydney, Australia – Experimental and behavioral economics
2008 – 2010 Master’s degree from Brno University of Technology, Czech Republic – Company Management and Economics
2005 – 2008 Bachelor’s degree from Brno University of Technology, Czech republic –  IT Management
2008 One semester at TAMK University of Applied Sciences, Tampere, Finland – International Business

Professional experience

2023 – Research Affiliate, Prague University of Economics and Business, Czech republic
2022 – Researcher, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Department of Experimental Psychology
2019 – Assistant Professor, University of Economics in Bratislava, Slovakia
2020 – 2023 Behavioral interventions consultant, Allianz, Slovakia
2016 – 2019 Research Assistant, MGSM, Sydney, Australia
2010 – 2016 IT Project Manager, U. S. Steel Košice, Slovakia

Teaching experience

Behavioral Economics Wirtschaftsuniversität, Vienna, Austria (2021)
University of Economics in Bratislava (from 2022)
Masaryk Unversity, Brno, Czech republic (guest lecturer, from 2020)
Technical University in Košice (2018)
Experimental Economics University of Economics in Bratislava (from 2022)
Guest lectures: ISCTE (Lisbon), University of Latvia (Riga)
Microeconomics University of Economics in Bratislava (from 2018)
Economic Context of
Macquarie Graduate School of Management, Sydney
Teaching Assistant (MBA Course Unit, MGSM 845)
Guest Lecturer – Decision-making under risk and uncertainty (2017),
Experimental labor economics (2018)
Behavioral Public Finance University of Economics in Bratislava (2019-2021)
Economics research methodology and effective writing University of Economics in Bratislava (2020-2021)
Presentation and communication skills University of Economics in Bratislava (2020)

Public workshops and seminars

Behavioral economics for enterpreneurs For Slovak Business Agency (2020,2022)
(I)rrationality from the perspective of behavioral economics For Vedátor_sk (2020) Link to video lecture
Introduction to behavioral finance For Investors club (2019)
Decision-making from the viewpoint of behavioral economics For U.S.Steel, Martinus, SAP Ariba, Taste, ITB, JTI, Slovak association of psychology students, Coworking co-Šicke etc. (from 2018)

Grants and scholarships

2023 National Bank of Slovakia, Russo-Ukraine war fake news: the effect of debunking against prebunking, GV-2023-7-P12
2022 Czech Science Foundation, Three experiments on using salience towards sustainable tax compliance, GA23-07136S
2022 Slovak Research and Development Agency, Improving the coordination of volunteers and efficiency of altruistic markets, APVV-21-0388
2019 CERGE-EI Career Integration Fellowship for 6 years
2018 Postgraduate Research Funding (PGRF) at Macquarie University for scientific training.
2017 Grant for consultancy on behavioural experiments in public finance from Behavioural Insights Unit, Department of Premier & Cabinet, New South Wales.
2016 International Macquarie University Research Excellence Scholarship for 3 years to conduct PhD research at MGSM, Sydney. MGSM belongs to the world’s top 50 business schools according to Financial Times and the Economist.

Scientific workshop participation

2020 ECMCRC Summer School on behavioral and neuroscientific research for Economics and Finance, Dublin, Ireland (Online) Link to video lecture
2019 Career Integration Fellows Teaching Principles and Practices for Economics Course, Prague, Czech republic
2019 Graduate Student Workshop in Experimental Economics, Chapman University, Orange, California
2018 Ronald Coase Institute: Workshop on Institutional Analysis, Bratislava, Slovakia
2017 Max Planck Summer Institute on Bounded Rationality, Berlin, Germany

Scientific publications

2024 Anchoring can improve scheduling accuracy and completing projects on time With Maroš Servátka and Lyla Zhang
Revise & Resubmit at MIT Sloan Management Review
2024 Intertemporal Coordination in Volunteer Markets With Robert Slonim, Maroš Servátka and Michal Ďuriník
Working paper
2024 Timing matters: Three-study test of the effects of debunking vs. prebunking on trust in disinformation With Vladimíra Čavojová and Jakub Šrol
Working paper
2024 Registering to donate With Robert Slonim and Maroš Servátka
Working paper
2024 Enhancing compliance with capital gains tax on property With Dagmara Celik Katerniak, Lubomír Cingl and Richard Priesol
Working paper
2024 Boosting fake news discernment: media literacy tips show some success while inoculation fails With Vladimíra Čavojová and Jakub Šrol
Working paper
2024 Why do some nudges work and others not? With Tomáš Miklánek and Maroš Servátka
Working paper
2024 Reasoning vs. prior beliefs: The case of COVID-19 fake news With Vladimíra Čavojová and Jakub Šrol
Applied Cognitive Psychology
2023 Hidden Inefficiency: Strategic Inflation of Project Schedules With Maroš Servátka and Lyla Zhang
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization
2021 Improving the accuracy of project schedules With Maroš Servátka and Lyla Zhang
Production and Operations Management
2019 Anchoring in project duration estimation With Maroš Servátka and Lyla Zhang
Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization

Conference presentations

2024 Economic Science Association European Meeting Helsinki, Finland
2024 Economic Science Association World Meeting Bogotá, Colombia
2024 International Conference on Thinking Milan, Italy
2024 Asia-Pacific Economic Science Association Meeting Singapore
2023 Economic Science Association Africa Cape Town, South Africa
2023 Science of Philanthropy Initiative Conference Chicago, USA
2023 Economic Science Association World Meeting Lyon, France
2023 Asia-Pacific Economic Science Association Meeting Seoul, South Korea
2022 Economic Science Association European Meeting Bologna, Italy
2021 Young Economist Meeting Brno, Czech republic
2020 Slovak Economic Association Meeting (Online)
2020 Economic Science Association Global Around-the-Clock Virtual Conference (Online) Link to video lecture
2019 Czech Economic Society and Slovak Economic Association Meeting Brno, Czech republic
2019 Economic Science Association World Meeting Vancouver, Canada
2019 Asia-Pacific Economic Science Association Meeting Abu Dhabi, UAE
2018 Slovak Economic Association Meeting Bratislava, Slovakia
2018 Economic Science Association World Meeting Berlin, Germany
2018 Young Economist Meeting Brno, Czech republic
2018 Asia-Pacific Economic Science Association Meeting Brisbane, Australia
2017 Slovak Economic Association Meeting Košice, Slovakia
2017 Economic Science Association European Meeting Vienna, Austria

Academic refereeing

2022 – 2024 Scientific Reports (Nature journal)
2021 National Science Center Poland, Sonata grant scheme
2020 International Review of Economics
2019 Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics

Professional affiliations

From 2017 Economic Science Association – member
From 2017 Slovak Economic Association – member
From 2014 Project Management Institute – certified Project Management Professional (PMI)

In media

Vedátor (SK) When EUR 0 is more than EUR 10
Svet medzi riadkami (SK) Podcast about behavioral economics
RTVS (SK) Behavioral economics and experiments
The Lighthouse (EN) Budget blowouts and broken promises: how to avoid project failures
Forbes (SK) Interview with my supervisor & mentor Maroš Servátka about Behavioral Economics
Forbes (SK) Six suggestions from my research for better project planning
Denník N (SK) Why projects suffer from overoptimistic time estimates?
Macquarie University (EN) Why people and companies keep repeating the same planning mistakes?